Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Omnibus Page One

Establishing page for a Sci-fi Epic I have in the works

Omnibus- Cosmically Aware

This past September I went to Morriosncon and had the opportunity to ask Grant Morrison to Describe what the 5th Dimension looked like, This page is the result of that. 

Morrisoncon Anthology: Countdown to Now Page 5

Page five for a comic I an working on with writer Kahlil Schweitzer for the Morrisoncon Anthology.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Missile Crisis (On Infinite Earths) Final

Missile Crisis (On Infinite Earths) :
Final for U.S. Presidents project for my Advanced Styles and Concepts class

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Changing Perspective

First assignment for comic book illustration, changing perspective. Used a couple of sets from my favorite TV shows and my apartment.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Superman Now

Without type:


Layout sketch here:

Illustration inspired by  Grant Morrison's initial all star superman cover concept here : 

but with Superman form DC One Million.